I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 9 and my teacher is Mrs Faalili.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
my favourite food

Waka Ama
If you were to ask my mum or anyone in my family they would probably say that Waka Ama racing would be right up my alley. This is because I love water sports... kayaking, surfing, swimming and snorkeling are things I love to do. But I would not want to be in a Waka Ama race because It would be very hard work. It is very competitive and it looks very complicated. Because you would have to paddle on both sides equally. If you only paddled on one side it would turn. I would rather just have fun in the water instead of doing competitive races.
Friday, 22 December 2017
Setting Sail
We woke up early in the morning. Today was the day we were leaving our homes forever. We were going to try and find a new place to live. I am feeling very scared because we are leaving our family behind. I am going on a waka with my friend, Manu. Manu says he is not scared but on the inside I know he is. As we go down to the sand the early morning breeze catches the sail. It is a good day to start.
The fourth day is when our adventure starts. Our Waka breaks down because it gets struck by lightning. This makes a big hole in the waka. We start sinking fast. We jump overboard. We shout Help ! Help ! Just then another waka comes by and saves us. We are gasping for air on the deck of the waka. I feel thankful to the people who saved us but I am now even more scared and worried because we have lost all of our stuff. I do not know how we will live when we get there…….if we get there.
I can't remember what day it is but it is a day I will always remember. Today Someone spotted land. All of us shout hooray ! I feel glad, we made it. What a relief ! It is not long though before I start worrying again. What if there are other people already living here?
The First Settlers - Maori and Maui Stories
When I was reading Maui and the great fish, I learnt 3 facts about Maui, here they are.
- Fact 1: Maui has very mean brothers .
- Fact 2: He is pretty good, at Tricking people.
- Fact 3: Maui is very brave.
I have heard these stories about Maui before. I remember a story about Maui and the fish. The story is about how Maui pulled up the North Island of New Zealand. The fish is a stingray. The South Island is his waka. I also remember a story about how Maui found his mum.
Another story is about how Maui slowed the sun down. I have read a picture book about how Maui slowed the sun down. In the pictures he throw ropes over the sun and tied the sun down. He then beat the sun with his weapons until the sun agreed to move slowly across the sky.
All these stories about about Maui and his adventures as well as about NZ.
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Christmas tree
This Christmas Tree is 30 + years old. That was when my mum was a little girl. My grandma and grandad got it from their house In Christchurch. My dad and his partner and three kids had to put it up it was very big it took quite a long time. Most of the ornaments came from my grandma and grandad there are quite a lot of old ornaments. My mum's partner gave us pictures of us for ornaments.There are lots of presents under the Christmas tree the biggest one is for me I hope one of them is a Nerf gun because I have been wishing for one all year.
Monday, 4 December 2017
My birthday
I just had my birthday I am turning 9 at school I was doing Athletics at a park against other schools because I came second in short distance And first at high jump After school Auntie Kate picked me up from school she took us to the house just When we open the door the person who was looking after my cousins Could Auntie Kate We had to go back and get my cousins because one of them was hurt he couldn't walk back to the house when we picker them up when we finally got into the house Then we had chocolate fondue it was young then it was present time I got a big big surfboard I the presents We played for a little bit then it was very late We were very tired then we went home
ben and tali
Me and Tali Did a slide About us And what songs we liked Soccer players and rugby players we liked What flags we are from What videos we like Um what Lego people we liked What rugby team in soccer team we liked And family members What animals we like to We like doing this and our spare time
Friday, 1 December 2017
the dog
the dog
One hot sunny Sunday morning I was playing my PS4 at my mom's two story house It is my birthday then my mum came in the room with a heavy cardboard box And slammed it in front of me I was surprised I didn't became interested in what was in the box so I opened it And outs came as happy as can be puppy I saw it had a broken leg I didn't wanted it So I kit Adoraitonto the floor
Me and camden
Me and camden had a play date on saturday at my house we play with the bean bags it was fun! Lara tried to climb over the bean bags that we stuffed but she could not climb over the bean bags. Me and Camden are best friends.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
My first cricket game
My first cricket game
My first cricket game was at a park. Seem( my mum) said it would be easy, At first I did not know how to play ,but my Mum show me how to do it. I like the batin found it tricky but then it got easier it was fun we had to tell run and I got 5 runs
after school I went to England first he went home packed our suitcases. then we went to the airport Then we had to wait for a long time because we were early finally got onto the plane Then we got to pay on our iPads This time watching you halfway there it was lunch time we got food we did the same thing until two days past then we went to another Airport It was around 1 it got really run away. as we thought they were more shops to buy things but we just keep walking around in circles Do we finally found out that it was a big circle in we found the way to get out at the airport We started to get on the plane another two days stuff past delete really got to England. taxi my mum's Mum's house We slept in we got on the train and went into the city then we went to the biggest toy shops and the world. it is Cord hamleys We spend our pocket money there after we did that he went to The train we had so much bags we all had to carry it it was rush hour on the train we can't get on the first one What we got on the second one It was so crowded we nearly can't even breathe.
Halloween is the evening before the Christian holy days of All Hallows' Day (also known as All Saints' or Hallowmas) on 1 November and All Souls' Day on 2 November, thus giving the holiday on 31 October the full name of All Hallows' Eve (meaning the evening before All Hallows' Day).how did Halloween start.Halloween has its roots in the ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated on the night of October 31. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France,
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Monday, 20 November 2017
Apple are my favourite
Bananas are my favourite
Cars are boring
Doughnuts are my favourite
Elephants are cool
Try to guess What kind of poem I did Write your answers in the
Try to guess What kind of poem I did Write your answers in the
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Why do you like soccer?1
Why do you like rugby.2
What sports do you like.3
How do you become good at soccer.4
How do you become good at Rugby.5
How do you become good at LEGO Ninjago.6
who is your favourite LEGO Ninjago person .7
What do you like about learning.8
why do you like school .9
Why do you like your Chrome book.10 answer and comment down below
Bang! the sound of war filled the battlefield. Shouting echoed through the gun firing. There was no going back! The Sound of men Crying for Help.
I was following in the steps of my lost grandad. The war went on for a week, my legs ached and I was exhausted.
I was pinned down. It gave me time to look around the battlefield. I saw my friend shot reaching for help. Barb wire was everywhere blocking my path. I had time to think. Think of my family and defending my country. It helped me build the strength to continue.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Rocket Ropes
In the weekend I went to Rocket Ropes. It is next to the airport and Butterfly Creek. I got to go there because my Nana gave me a present from last Christmas and we just got around to organising a date. I went there with my cousin, Zach, and when we got there we had to wait for quite a while, we got bored. Finally it was our groups turn the instructor helped us put on the helmets and the harness. Then we went outside to go on the starters course. There was a zip line and a tightrope.
Finally we got to go on the real one. There were levels like green, yellow, and orange. Orange was the highest level,it was really scary but Zach wasn't scared. My mama said that we would poop in our pants but we thought that we wouldn't poop in our pants and we didn't. My favourite one was the zipline. The hardest one for me was 5 Barrels that we had to climb in and out of. It was scary because it was on the orange level the it was 12 metres above the ground! At the very end we went on this massive zip line. It was the biggest Zipline that I have ever seen. There was two parts on it and it was 12 metres off the ground. The second part was fun because you had to grab onto the big net, then you went down the slide. We played there for 3 and a half hours and we were starving THE END !

Friday, 27 October 2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
I feel the wind as it passed me. It sent a chill down my spine. I feel like I should not stay here, but I did not trust my instincts. I wish I did not stay because there is a ghost! I'm frightened to death as it comes close to me. Too close.
When I was little I never knew that ghosts were real but now I do. I watch as it chained me up against a tree. I am frozen with fear. The ghost’s touch makes my skin quiver. It spoke in spooky voice, whispering in my ear, “I'm going to kill you”. Then my whole world goes black and I don't feel anything.
The ghost disappears.
I'm just in bed it was all a dream.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Although I am quite annoying
I can do lots of Things Like…..
Futsal and soccer and Tennis
I also like playing soccer and Tennis
I like to play sports
Soccer, Futsal and Tennis
Are my favourite
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Futsal Fun
Today after school, I went to my first futsal game. We played at the ASB Selwyn College centre. Even though I've played futsal before I was still nervous because I didn't know anyone in my team. But it turned out my team was nice. Futsal is like soccer but the ball is less bouncey and smaller plus you play inside. Our team has an orange shirt which is a bright as Giant Salamander. I was subbed 3 times, as it is a fast game and hard work. We won! It was 2 goals to us and 1 goal to them. I think we won because the other team didn't pass. I like soccer and futsal .
the man
One tiny mini but muscular and mad Frightened spooked and horrified man walked all alone down the pathway of the street.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Today after school
Today after school I went to my cousins Zach's house. We played together with the Nerf gun. Then we stacked up the Cones and we got a yoga ball. I held the Nerf gun in one hand then ran and slid on the yoga ball. I tried to hit the cones with the Nerf bullet but Zach got it first . We kept on playing because It was fun. We were trying to be like Dude Perfect.
When I follow instructions
When I follow instructions I get things right and I get a “good job” from the teacher.
If I had Wings of a Peregrine falcon I will soar through the air like a jet aeroplane. I would love to be a Peregrine Falcon!
It's not about winning it's about having fun because when you have fun you can do lots of things better.
If I had my dad's feet my feet will be hughmungus and smelly!
My dream world
My dream world. My dream world is about when I go to soccer wonder world. At soccer wonder world you can: Play soccer all day. There is a million soccer players. There is a million balls.
Sunday, 15 October 2017
my Holiday
My Holiday
I went to jump (a trampoline park) it was fun. I went to Tauranga and went on my cousins boat. It was big, As big as a whale. After the boat we went into the swimming pool. They have lots of LEGO And they have three house One is The biggest Next to it is Little House Where they keep all their Lego Also have a dog and a chickens Whitney the chickens they have the third little house
Then we went to Whangamata. We went to the beach then we went into the water. It was cold! So cold that my fingers nearly fell off. Then we went to the dairy. We got $2 from our mum. Me and my sister found $0.20. I found mine at Bunnings and my sister found hers at the bach.
My friend Mia and her brother Soloman came from Governers Bay. Me and my sister and friends went to The Sports Club. We played soccer and tennis And basketball and pop tennis. I went to the show Matilda in the Civic theatre and I like the ceiling because it had beautiful stars. My favorite part in Matilda was when the confetti fell down. It shot out of tubes. Mia and I had nachos for dinner and for pudding we had frozen yogurt. On Friday we took the train to the city to see the Sky Tower. When you looked down on the floors lift you saw glass - it looked scary!
Then we went to Whangamata. We went to the beach then we went into the water. It was cold! So cold that my fingers nearly fell off. Then we went to the dairy. We got $2 from our mum. Me and my sister found $0.20. I found mine at Bunnings and my sister found hers at the bach.
My friend Mia and her brother Soloman came from Governers Bay. Me and my sister and friends went to The Sports Club. We played soccer and tennis And basketball and pop tennis. I went to the show Matilda in the Civic theatre and I like the ceiling because it had beautiful stars. My favorite part in Matilda was when the confetti fell down. It shot out of tubes. Mia and I had nachos for dinner and for pudding we had frozen yogurt. On Friday we took the train to the city to see the Sky Tower. When you looked down on the floors lift you saw glass - it looked scary!
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Nia has beautiful long hair
Nia has beautiful long hair. Every morning before breakfast Grandma would brush his hair with special oil and then braid it with fresh coconut leaves and flowers. People always were wanting to touch it. Nia’s hair was touch the most by the littlest ones. They would swing and pull on his braid until he yelled “please guys please don't pull my hair so hard”. Nia loves his long hair but sometimes he dreams of cutting it off. Why can't I cut my hair he said. In a braid you can roll it up on top of your head but Nia would rather it hang down his back.
She said “this is for you to keep my grandmother mother gave to me when I was a little girl just like you are now. You can put this in your hair said “when you do a special dance on grandma's birthday that's when you can have your hair down your back.” Grandma open the chest of drawers and take out a beautiful tortoise shell comb for Nia to wear. Whenever when you do you're a special dance.” Reaching out to hold Grandma's hand, “I know just how you feel” she said. “Grandma I felt the same way when my grandmother gave it to me it's beautiful and I thank you so much”.
Later Nia’s grandmother died.
Grandma’s daughters and granddaughters went to Nai’s hair cutting ceremony. Nia ask Mum “why do we have haircutting ceremonies”? Nia is a little nervous because he likes his hair. But Grandma will be proud of me following the customs of Tonga thought Nia.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
The battlefield.
Bang! the sound of war filled the battlefield. Shouting echoed through the gun firing. There was no going back! The Sound of men Crying for Help.
I was following in the steps of my lost grandad. The war went on for a week, my legs ached and I was exhausted.
I was pinned down. It gave me time to look around the battlefield. I saw my friend shot reaching for help. Barb wire was everywhere blocking my path. I had time to think. Think of my family and defending my country. It helped me build the strength to continue.
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Making Birds using Google Drawing
I used Google Drawing to create some colourful birds. Google Drawing is great because there are shapes that you can use to make different pictures.You can colour in the shapes too.
The birds I drew are eagles. Each eagle is a different colour. These Eagles can fly faster than a cheetah can run. Hunting is the favourite thing that they like to do. I drew these eagles with my friend.
The handy thing about Google voice typing is it can talk all my ideas and words without worrying about typing. This means I can talk then type the corrections so my stories are longer. I downloaded the bird picture from Google drawings And then I inserted it into my Blogger.
What I have learnt is that I need to get better at using the tools on my device because it makes writing easier and faster for me.😜
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
What am I???
I am very yummy. I come in different colors. l stick to my friend he is always at the bottom of me. My friend Has a patterns on him. I don't like to be hot. what am I ???
Write down your guess on the comments below.
Friday, 25 August 2017
Ging to England
Going to England
First after a long day we got picked up then we excitedly drove to home then we got ready. in 5 hours the taxi came we drove all the way to the airport we got on the plane I was so excited it took two days to get to London The first day when it was morning we got off the plane we were in Malaysia! It was really hot there I got tired of walking because my legs were stuffed from sitting on the plane too much then it was time to go on another plane well we were waiting for the plane head burger king. and then we went on a double decker plane we were at the top it was only one more day and we were at England at Heathrow airport we got of the plane and I was so excited we got a taxi to Heathrow.
First after a long day we got picked up then we excitedly drove to home then we got ready. in 5 hours the taxi came we drove all the way to the airport we got on the plane I was so excited it took two days to get to London The first day when it was morning we got off the plane we were in Malaysia! It was really hot there I got tired of walking because my legs were stuffed from sitting on the plane too much then it was time to go on another plane well we were waiting for the plane head burger king. and then we went on a double decker plane we were at the top it was only one more day and we were at England at Heathrow airport we got of the plane and I was so excited we got a taxi to Heathrow.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Monday, 14 August 2017
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
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