
Friday 22 December 2017

Setting Sail

We woke up early in the morning. Today was the day we were leaving our homes forever. We were going to try and find a new place to live. I am feeling very scared because we are leaving our family behind. I am going on a waka with my friend, Manu. Manu says he is not scared but on the inside I know he is. As we go down to the sand the early morning breeze catches the sail. It is a good day to start.

The fourth day is when our adventure starts. Our Waka breaks down because it gets struck by lightning. This makes a big hole in the waka. We start sinking fast. We jump overboard. We shout Help ! Help ! Just then another waka comes by and saves us.  We are gasping for air on the deck of the waka. I feel thankful to the people who saved us but I am now even more scared and worried because we have lost all of our stuff. I do not know how we will live when we get there…….if we get there.

I can't remember what day it is but it is a day I will always remember. Today Someone spotted land. All of us shout hooray ! I feel glad, we made it. What a relief ! It is not long though before I start worrying again. What if there are other people already living here?


  1. Hi Benjamin,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    Wow! What a great piece of writing! You must have a great imagination to come up with that story. I particularly like where you have talked about lightening making a hole in the waka. That would have been very scary!

    Have you ever been on a boat for a long time before? I have been on a boat a few times but I get very sea sick so never stay on for very long.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over summer.

    1. Hi ruby I have not been on a boat for a long time

    2. Hi Ben,

      It's cool that you have been on a boat before though! How long ago was it? I wonder what sort of boat you have been on as well.



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